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Canva Unleashed: Elevate Your Designs with Advanced Techniques

ID : 12352   
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Ready to take your Canva skills to the next level? "Canva Unleashed" is designed for those already familiar with the basics of Canva and eager to explore its more advanced capabilities. This intermediate course will unveil shortcuts, introduce new features, and teach you how to add that extra pizzazz to your designs. In this engaging and interactive session, we'll delve into the lesser-known tools and tricks that can transform your designs from simple to stunning. Learn how to integrate advanced elements to make your social media graphics and other marketing materials stand out.

Class Details

1 Session(s)
Weekly - Mon

East Campus Administration

Darcy Swon 



Registration Closes On
Wednesday, July 10, 2024 @ 11:59 PM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
7/15/2024 - 7/15/2024 Weekly - Mon 01:00 PM - 04:00 PM Fort Dodge, East Campus Administration  Map Darcy Swon 

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